![]() More Info to come soon for VBS 2025! Stay Tuned.......... ........ We would love to have your child attend VBS with us! There will be food, fun, and games, but most importantly we will learn about God's love and forgiveness! If your child needs a ride to VBS, send us a message on our FB page, email us at jacobm4now@gmail.com, or call our bus director at 502-939-9523. Space on the bus is limited, so let us know as soon as possible if you need a ride. We hope to see you there! ![]() Please read below and register with the link at the bottom of this page. Code of Conduct for Vacation Bible School As the parent or guardian, by submitting the below Vacation Bible School registration I agree to and inform my child(ren): 1. If your child exhibits unacceptable behavior while at Vacation Bible School (VBS), you may be called and asked to pick them up. Your child may be asked not to return for the remainder of VBS. 2. Children and/or guardians will be held responsible for any inappropriate behavior that results in damage. 3. VBS will be full of activities, games, and a lot of fun! For that reason, belongings such as video games, electronic devices, toys, hair supplies, etc., should be left at home. Faith Baptist Bible Church (FBBC) is not responsible for items that are broken, lost, or stolen.
4. If your child owns a cell phone, we do request that they not bring it to VBS. Your child will have access to a phone to call you if they need to, but they do not need to have a cell phone during VBS.
• I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in FBBC’s VBS taking place July 31-August 4, 2024. I understand the known risks involved in the program for my child(ren) in consideration of FBBC allowing us to participate in the program. I hereby fully release and discharge the parties named above, along with heirs, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers. • In the event of illness or accident, having parental responsibility for the named child(ren), I give permission for first aid to be administered where considered necessary by a person trained in first aid, if available, or medical treatment to be administered by a suitably qualified medical practitioner. • If I cannot be contacted and my child(ren) should require emergency hospital treatment, I authorize an adult leader to sign on my behalf any written form of consent required by the hospital. However, I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible. • I understand that by my child(ren)’s participation in this church youth activity, his/her picture could be taken and used in press releases, brochures, video, CD/DVD’s, websites, etc. for information use only (ie – website updates, promotions of events, etc.). In such cases, names will never be listed. |